The thyroid is connected to the pituitary, hypothalamus, pineal, breast, ovaries (testes), uterus (prostate), and the adrenal glands by an interconnecting series of hormones. The thyroid is basically an organ that secretes hormones which have a profound effect upon all cells of the body. Growth, metabolism, temperature control, endometrium health, ovulation, heart rhythm and emotions are just a few areas influenced by the thyroid hormones.
How do you know if the thyroid is not working up to par? There are a few medical tests that offer a small glimpse into the effectiveness of some functions of the thyroid, yet man's viewpoint is extremely limited by his imperfect observation techniques. By consulting a medical or chiropractic doctor and by doing some research on your own, you might be able to determine if there are some insufficiencies in your thyroid.
Herbal/foods of the Thyroid Blend are chosen to feed not the thyroid alone, but to secondarily feed and encourage the reproductive organs, the pituitary, the pineal, and the hypothalamus parts of the brain, to all work together to reach a correct homeostasis (balance) of all the thyroid connected systems.
R-Garden's Herbal Blends
R-Garden Herbal Blends are formulated and designed to feed, nourish and cleanse specific systems of the mind and body. There are thousands of known useful herbs on this planet! The Bio-Data Herbal Research Group, which originally formulated these blends for us, chose from over 1,500 of these available substances. They located the finest and most useful types of herbs and concentrated foods that could be obtained and put these into our herbal blends. We have continued to test and refine these blends based on newly available research. We have also added an enzyme activation blend to make these nutrients even more readily digestible and easy to assimilate.