Got A Cranky Colon?
If you are like most people, you don't discuss the frequency of your bowel movements with your doctor or anyone else. For some, a normal bowel movement may be once a day. For others, two to three times per week may be the norm. And, for some people, two to three bowel movements per day is not unusual.
Bowel transit time is the length of time it takes for food to travel from the mouth to the anus. It varies from person to person and depends greatly on diet, amount of physical activity, and lifestyle. Generally, people with a diet high in fiber (vegetables, fruits, and whole grains) will experience shorter transit times and heavier, bulkier stools. The duration that food stays in your body can be a good indicator of your overall health.
A bowel transit time of 12 to 24 hours is considered ideal. Many Americans experience transit times in the 48 to 96 hour range, which is too long. This can be caused by poor hydration, not enough high-fiber foods in the diet, lack of exercise, and other causes (excess protein, pregnancy, structural abnormalities, or diseases).
The longer waste products remain in the intestinal tract, the more likely toxic substances will irritate the colon and pass through the intestinal wall to be absorbed into the bloodstream. In the bloodstream, these toxic substances then become a problem for the immune system to deal with.
Health Benefits
Care of the colon is a daily responsibility and absolutely crucial to continued physical health and emotional wellness. Herbs have a long history of helping to soothe and promote the health of the digestive tract and improving bowel action.
Bowel Toner
Bowel Toner is a powerful blend of 10 ingredients designed to help speed up bowel transit time in the intestinal tract. Lengthy bowel transit time is believed to be a contributor to bowel toxicity. Each vegetarian capsule contains a special combination of fiber (oat bran), bulking agent (prunes), herbs (licorice, senna, rhubarb), spices (fennel, anise), and an enzyme activation system.